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Alpha Wealth Management & Planning, LLC


Election Year Insights: Staying Focused Amid Market Shifts

Election Year Insights: Staying Focused Amid Market Shifts As we navigate another presidential election year...
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Creating a Legacy

For many, giving to charity changed when the standard deduction was increased a few years back. These changes made it more advantageous to give larger gifts or to set up a charitable account. A Donor Advised Fund is just one of the many different accounts investors can open to donate money & appreciated investments to causes they believe in while being tax advantageous.
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What is Estate Planning?

Estate Planning Awareness Week draws to a close, leaving behind a vital message: ensuring your future and that of your loved ones requires thoughtful preparation.
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All that Glitters is not Gold

Bridge the gap between chaos and clarity
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Secure Act 2.0 Summary and Retirement Tips

The Secure Act 2.0 is a new retirement plan legislation aimed at addressing America's retirement crisis. Focus on retirement, retirement planning and advanced planning strategies.
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How to Have a Happy Retirement

“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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What is Financial Wellness?

The pandemic has inspired many of us to reassess our overall wellness and prioritize self care. But there’s a component of the wellness trifecta that is commonly overlooked: financial wellness. Financial wellness is the third piece in holistic health, with the first two being physical health and mental health.
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The year in review

Let's face it, 2022 has produced different performance outcomes that what some investors have grown accustomed to expect. Many investors have seen significant periods of volatility and many accounts have lost some value (on paper). Remember, ups and downs are normal parts of a stock market cycle - but admittedly, it still doesn't feel good - especially if you are one of those people who just can't stop checking their account values or watching the ticker on CNBC!
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Year End Financial Planning

Year End Financial Planning - It’s easy to put personal finances on the back burner
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Helpful Halloween Tips for those Close to Retirement

Plan for retirement, review social security, minimize taxes, don't forget about debt, plan for health insurance costs, review your portfolio.
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Is this the fastest growing sport in the USA?
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Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a Legacy.
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What is a fiduciary and why does it matter?

What is a fiduciary and why does it matter?
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Does Having Money = Happy Retirement?

All our lives we work hard putting money aside so that we have enough to supplement our lifestyle in retirement. But does having enough money really buy the happiness you were imagining when you leave the workforce behind?
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How to Determine When to Begin Collecting Social Security

Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge. Learning about your options is usually a good thing to start early. Let us know how we can help.
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The Succession Plan

5 years of praying for the right person and planning for Success in Succession. 12 months of working out the plan together. 1 afternoon it all happens.
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The Sandwich Generation

Honor your father and your mother. Train your child in the way he should go. What if the needs of your child conflict with the needs of your aging parents?
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2022 LPL Mid-Year Outlook

Psalm 23, The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want... This Psalm is often quoted during times of turbulence, remember "Pulp Fiction" anyone? Markets rarely give us clear skies, and there are always threats to watch for on the horizon, but the right preparation, context, and support can help us navigate anything that may lie ahead.
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The story of the Fourth of July

America! America!! God shed his grace on thee. And crown thy good with brotherhood. From sea... to shining sea!! The Story of the Fourth of July
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Opportunities hidden in the Headlines

Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.
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What is a Recession?

"Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his." - Ronald Reagan
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Is Estate Planning for me?

How will Estate Planning help the ones you love and care about in a difficult time.
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Some of the Best Retirement Hobbies

Building a garden, Volunteering for a cause, or Physical activities. Will one of these hobbies be yours during Retirement?
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Planning to retire in 2022?

Planning to Retire in 2022? Here are some tips and items to be aware of.
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How To Make a Financial New Year’s Resolution You’ll Actually Keep

Financial New Year Resolution. Retirement Success and a Happy Retirement.
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What Is Your Tax Plan For The Future?

High Earners or Successful Savers, What is Your Tax Plan for the Future?
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When Should You Take The RMD From An IRA Inherited In 2021?

If you inherited an IRA in 2021 from someone who was required to take RMD's, you may need to take action.
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Fall is the Perfect Time to Review Your Finances

The time to start planning for the upcoming year is now! Don’t wait until the end of the year, plan your 2022 goals (and beyond!) before it’s too late!
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The “Build Back Better Act”: Major Provisions & Potential Changes

Depending on your financial situation the proposed tax changes within Build Back Better Act could have a significant impact on your tax liabilities.
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Social Security Strategies

Here are some great tips on Social Security! 15 Strategies to potentially increase your benefits!
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What is a Mega Backdoor Roth?

What Is a Mega Backdoor Roth? For those of you who have the option, this can be a great tax strategy to implement into your current financial plan.
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The 50-30-20 Rule

Have you ever heard of the 50-30-20 Rule? This one simple rule can help you make better financial decisions and help you make progress toward your wealth goals and keep them on track.
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There’s Still Time for your 2020 ROTH Contribution!

This just in; the IRS just announced that it is extending the tax deadline to May 17th. That means you now have an extra month to make contributions to your ROTH IRA for tax year 2020.
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2021 Marin IJ Reader's Choice Award

Andrei Jigalin and Alpha Wealth Management Planning are honored to be awarded 2021 Marin Independent Journal Readers' Choice Award. We are proud to celebrate this remarkable achievement and could not do it without our fantastic clients.
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Preventing Tax ID Theft in 2021

With tax season upon us it is imperative that we file accurately, on time, and safely.
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A Strong Start to the New Year

It has been one full month since 2020 has come to an end and left many of us feeling emotionally and financially beaten down and weakened; have you started the new year off strong? Whether you think you have or not the following article can help ensure that we all make the right money-moves to guarantee our strength going forward.
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A Nice Christmas Without Naughty Spending

2020 has been a challenging year for us all and now that the holidays are approaching, many are worried about the financial struggle that comes along with the time of year. Because many traditions and plans are cancelled this season, people plan to make it through the holidays by giving gifts. Read more to find out how to make the most of the holiday season without emptying your wallet.
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Thanksgiving Dishes to Impress

Thanksgiving this year may look a little different than our usual gatherings, but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy delicious food. This day is reserved for giving thanks and what is a better way to do that than feasting on scrumptious traditions?!
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Is Medicare Free?

Many presume the cost of Medicare is free and come to find out later, they are incorrect. Working people pay into Medicare all their lives, then when they need to use it, they unexpectedly find out it only covers approximately two thirds of their healthcare services, making them pay the rest out-of-pocket.
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Act Now

Set aside your panic over what could happen post-election and focus on something you can control: your 2020 tax bill. As we near the end of this election, let us not forget that politicians make a lot of promises and they have oodles of ideas and plans; but not all of them will necessarily become the law of the land.
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Working With A Financial Advisor Makes Life That Much Better

You’ve seen tons of articles giving you tips and tricks on how to make smart financial decisions, but have you ever seen an article that shows you how to improve your financial health and live a happier life? Now you have.
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Disaster Readiness Guide

Wildfires are threatening our communities again and we must prepare in order to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. Make sure you are signed up for your local emergency alerts and do not refrain from evacuating when told to do so. We do not know when the next disaster will hit us, therefore it is essential that you have a plan of action. Here is a free, downloadable, guide that will help you prepare for the unexpected.
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7 Signs It Is Time for You to Hire a Financial Advisor

People often wonder if now is the right time for them to hire a financial advisor. And if not now, then when? While almost anyone could benefit from working with a financial advisor, there are certain times in life where it really pays off to be working with one.
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Voted One of the Best Financial Advisors and Best Wealth Management Firms

Alpha Wealth Management and Planning is honored to be voted One of the Best Wealth Management Firms and Andrei Jigalin voted One of the Best Financial Advisors by Marin’s IJ Readers’ Choice Awards for 2020.
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Welcome Keith Wheeler

Alpha Wealth Management and Planning is proud to announce the hiring of Keith A Wheeler as a Financial Advisor to the Novato office. Mr. Wheeler brings 35 years of investment experience to Alpha after having specialized in Taxable Fixed Income with several Wall Street firms.
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Voted Best Financial Advisory Firm 2020

Alpha Wealth Management and Planning is humbled to receive another award from Pacific Sun’s Best of Marin publication. Andrei Jigalin and Alpha Wealth, now three-time winners of this award, were voted Marin County’s Best Financial Advisor/Firm for 2020.
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What is Long-Term Care? Your Questions Answered Here

Many people mistakenly think long-term care is synonymous with nursing home care, but it’s just one of the many settings in which long-term care is delivered. In fact, most long-term care services are provided at home by a visiting nurse or a home health aide.
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Travel Plans Cancelled? Try Travelling Virtually!

The shelter in place regulations have adjusted many of our daily activities to be web oriented. We are working remotely from home, grocery shopping online, and even hosting video chats with friends and family. Many were also forced to stay home and cancel any travel plans to slow the spread of the virus. What if we told you there is now a distanced alternative to traveling? It’s called Virtual Walking Tours.
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Sonoma and Marin Trails to Explore

The unexpected Shelter-in-Place regulations have made us grow a new appreciation for the outdoors. To relieve our minds from current events, it is healthy to get out in nature and enjoy some sunshine. Check out these beautiful trails in Sonoma and Marin Counties. You may not see waterfalls now, though these are local favorites are to be explored in both summer and winter seasons.
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10 Financial Planning Opportunities to Consider Now

The current market situation is an example of why financial planning (with a keen eye toward tax outcomes) is the cornerstone of investment decisions, retirement planning, business transitions, insurance choices, etc. A drop in the market provides plenty of planning opportunities to consider.
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Employment Transition Guidance

I'm sure you or someone you know have been affected by a recent job layoff or furlough. We'd like to offer you a resource called the Unemployment Transition Booklet. This resource includes guidance specifically pertaining to unexpected unemployment and helps with managing the unexpected.
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Warren Buffett's Outlook on the Pandemic

Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, America is currently facing a crisis that is not only threatening our society but is destroying our communities. By "staying home" we are fighting to overcome this pandemic and together, we are making progress without any reduction of strength.
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Spring Clean Your Finances

You Finally Have Some Time Spring Financial Cleaning Get Your Financial House in Order
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Tired? Stressed? How to Feel Better!

“It is important to not let fear control your life.” COVID-19 is the ultimate disruptor, reshaping people’s work lives, family dynamics and finances.
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Road to Recovery

I see four steps that are important. A massive response by the Federal government and the Federal Reserve. I think we can check that box. While continued volatility is likely, a modest rebound from March’s low was fueled by the Fed and the $2 trillion stimulus plan. Other pieces of the recovery puzzle include:
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What do we do now? Investing and Market Volatility Game Plan
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How Do You Survive an Attack from An Anaconda?

Market Volatility update, financial advisors, CFPs and planners in Novato and Santa Rosa, CA.
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Short Term Volatility: What's Your Move?

The current coronavirus outbreak update. Financial Advisors and planners serving Marin and Sonoma. Offices in Novato and Santa Rosa.
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Epidemic & the Economy

This week, stock markets around the world were rattled by the coronavirus. The disease has now spread far beyond China, with cases reported in six of seven continents. This has dashed hopes that the virus would be isolated to China and investors are reacting to the potential risk to global economic growth. Financial Advisors and Financial Planners with offices in Novato and Santa Rosa.
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How to Make 2020 Your Best Money Year Yet

How to make 2020 your best money year yet, according to 9 self-made millionaires
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Highlights of the Spending Bill

Big changes are coming to retirement planning thanks to the federal government. The SECURE Act has now been signed into law. The SECURE Act hopes to modernize the retirement system. It will allow more workers to participate in 401(k) plans and offers small companies the chance to group together their plans to lower expenses. North Bay Financial Advisors and Certified Financial Planners, CFP in Novato and Santa Rosa.
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Beware of Emotions Affecting Your Money Decisions

Beware of Emotions Affecting Your Money Decisions
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The Most Important Factor for Wellness...It's Not What You Think.

Maintaining an optimal level of wellness is absolutely crucial to live a higher quality life. Rest assured that you are not the only one in the process of learning how to manage finances more efficiently. Everyone’s financial situation is different
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Going through a divorce?

Going through a divorce? It doesn’t have to be a battle. You can divorce well or you can divorce badly. Divorce, at is best, its about business. Be prepared, understand your financial situation, understand that at least one of the two are dissatisfied and be ready to negotiate. Divorce is never easy.

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Happy Mother's Day!

From the moment you were born your mom has worried, cared and provided for you. 

Mom has been "working for you" for a long time, and sometimes it's easy to lose sight of all that she does. 

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Why Women are Better at Investing

Did you know that roughly ninety-one percent of women think men are better at investing, yet we have data that says exactly the opposite? In addition, most people would say the best investors in the world are men; however, this too would be wrong. One of the best investors to ever live was a woman! Her name is Geraldine Weiss, and she has been a pioneer for women in an investment world

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5 Retirement Planning Steps For Women

Did you know that $14 trillion of our nation’s personal wealth is held by Women, and not only that, women also account for 40% of the primary breadwinners in today’s U.S. households. These are impressive numbers and continuously growing at a rapid pace. Having a plan for retirement is essential, and the data shows that women are becoming more and more interested in findings the best

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7 Steps To Declaring Your Financial Freedom

Gaining financial independence is no easy task, but necessary for anyone who wants to someday stop working. As life expectancy continues to grow the amount of retirement we need to plan for also continues to expand. This is why beginning to ask yourself some simple questions about how you want to retire can make all the difference.

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Midyear Outlook

Dear Valued Investor: We are pleased to announce the release of the LPL Research Midyear Outlook 2019: FUNDAMENTAL: How to Focus on What Really Matters in the Markets, with investment insights and market guidance through the end of 2019.

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5 Ways Women Can Better Plan Their Financial Future

In this month’s blog we discover some steps you can take to have better success in your financial future. By simply changing some of your outlooks on finances you can completely alter your path to financial freedom. These steps start out small such as, stop looking at the day to day and start looking at the bigger picture.

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